Forum Rules

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Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Mar 07, 2024 4:21 am

Forum Rules

1. General provisions of the forum and communities in social networks​

1.1 Ignorance of the rules does not exempt from responsibility for their violation. By registering and/or communicating on the forum, you automatically agree to the general rules of the project.
1.2 The forum team monitors the forum, the actions and discussions of users and, under special circumstances, intervenes based on the rules of the forum.
1.3 The forum team has the right to change/correct these rules at any time by immediately notifying players of changes in this topic.
1.4 A topic or post posted by any member is the property of the community, not the topic's author.
1.5 Topics should be created in sections of the relevant topics.

2. Wishes to users of the forum and communities in social networks​

2.1 For a quick solution to your problem, contact support, where you will be answered within 15 minutes.
2.2 Before you create a problematic topic, use the search function: the answer may already exist.
2.3 Make the title of the topic to the point, displaying the essence of the problem, not emotions.
2.4 Creating a topic in the appropriate section and in the specified form guarantees a faster solution to the problem. But we recommend contacting support.

3. What restrictions exist on the forum?​

3.1 It is forbidden to explicitly and / or covertly insult the forum team, project or other players.
3.2 Destructive actions are prohibited.
3.3 It is forbidden to create topics in the title of which there are predominantly insults, CAPS, translit.
3.4 It is forbidden:
  • flood and spam:
  • writing one word per line;
  • writing all words in upper case;
  • repetition of one line; advertising and anti-advertising;
  • numerous creation of topics that do not carry a semantic load;
  • creating a topic in the wrong section.
3.5 Threats of violence in real life against the forum team and other players are prohibited.
3.6 It is forbidden to publish messages / avatars / screenshots / pictures / signatures containing text / images that violate the rules of the forum or server.
  • Pornographic (we have nothing against light erotica);
  • Discrimination on any grounds;
  • politically motivated;
  • Avatars that match the forum team;
  • Materials capable of causing moral harm to the forum team or forum participants.
3.7 Unconstructive criticism of the project is prohibited. Unconstructive criticism does not bring anything useful for the development of the project, reduces the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and spoils the impression of new players. But we always welcome constructive criticism and good advice.
3.8 It is forbidden to publish personal conversations with the project team.
3.9 It is forbidden to explicitly or covertly advertise any other third-party projects.
3.10 It is forbidden to write about your leaving the server or leaving a group of people from the server, as well as calling on other players to stop playing.
3.11 It is forbidden to discuss the punishments established by the administration (to appeal, contact support).
3.12 It is forbidden to use transliteration in communication on the forum, as well as when contacting technical support.
3.13 Distribution of malicious links is prohibited.
3.14 Flame: If someone does not share someone else's opinion, a discussion begins and this, by no means, does not mean that there should be a verbal fight with insults. Insulting anyone is not allowed. Each participant is responsible for his word. Every person has the right to freedom of speech. However, this freedom should not be taken lightly, as obscene language on the forum, insults to users, and veiled obscenities are prohibited.
3.15 Bumping. There is no need to post the same question multiple times. Questions asked in support will never go unanswered.
3.16 Cross-posting, double-posting, flooding. If you have a question, please post it in one appropriate section of the forum, not all of them. You will not get a quick response - your entries will either be deleted all, or only the first one will be left. Crossposting is considered quite annoying as it makes it difficult for forum users to respond.
3.17 Publication of correspondence in the game or on the forum is possible only with the consent of all its participants.
3.18 It is forbidden to discuss any transactions, the currency of which is out-of-game items, on the forum.
3.19 It is forbidden to distribute personal information of the project administration without their consent.
3.20 Propaganda of political parties/organizations/presidential candidates, etc. is prohibited.
3.21 It is forbidden to use images in signatures larger than 600x400
3.22 It is forbidden to spoil movies/game endings on the forum.

4. Restrictive measures​

As restrictive measures after the removal of the publication of the violator, the forum team can use the following sanctions:
  • warning;
  • temporary ban on the publication of messages;
  • temporary blocking of the account / IP / accounts in the game / HWID;
  • deleting an account;
  • permament blocking of the account / IP / accounts in the game / HWID.
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